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3 Tips for Plan+Brand=No Budget

During your early stages of building a brand, public relations and marketing are definitely key strategies for a successful business. Hiring a PR agency has its benefits that we can go on and on and on about, but, you may not have the funds now to hire a top PR agency. Don’t be discouraged! There are different ways to get your business and/or brand off the ground while you work on creating a PR and marketing budget (It will be needed as you grow!).

Here are three tips that can help you during the beginning stages of your start-up.

AD: JazMonique Faux Locs Special

1. Create a social media presence.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and more, are golden when creating and promoting a brand! The significance behind social media is the two-way communication you can have with your consumers non-stop. Building relations and staying relevant is key to targeting new clients and building exposure on your service/product. According to an article on, "Facebook constitutes 79% of American internet users, Instagram constitutes 32% of users, Pinterest 31%, and LinkedIn and Twitter constitute 29% and 24% respectively."

*Gem: Identify your target demographic before posting on social media.

2. Engage in the community.

AD: I Am Dre 305 - Summer Special on Music Beats

You can’t grow if the community you’re serving doesn’t know what your business is. Participate in community events, introduce yourself to your City’s council and delegates, become a vendor, talk to people, those are a couple of things that are right at your fingertips.

*Gem: Always have a business card or flyer handy to pass out.

3. Partner with other businesses or organizations.

The beauty in partnerships is the new network you can be introduced to and the exposure you probably wouldn’t have had if you were working alone. When partnering with other businesses, make sure the partnership is 50/50 and both businesses get the same exposure throughout the deal.

*Gem: Partnering doesn’t have to be with money. Bartering services/products has the same value, too.

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